...i was objectified

September 17, 2019
OBDF 110
Lucas Bierens

After I watched the documentary about objects, I am not sure what it was called. It might have been called "Objects", or "the Object Documentary." Anyways, I thought it was a nice movie. The main things that stuck out to me during the duration of the film were: design really is not sustainable or eco-friendly at all and Rashid Karim's sleek and excessively homosexual designs. His complete dedication to his own aesthetic is refreshing and extremely impactful. In many ways I saw him as a brainchild of Mel Stuarts movie: "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." I am not sure who inspired who, but the aesthetics tightly parallel each other. With this newfound inspiration, I decided to make a piece of furniture. When making the couch I utilized reused materials like the wooden pallets that form the base of the object. I also added some graffiti-like designs to the very stiff looking cushions to further my aesthetic onto the object. 
